4 Ways to Retain Top Talent in Today’s Competitive Marketplace

4 Ways to Retain Top Talent in Today’s Competitive Marketplace

You have hired great people (maybe you even had help from your friends over at Omada Search). Now how can you retain top talent in this competitive candidate market? Throughout the years, employees career desires and aspirations have changed, and it can be tough for companies to keep up. It is becoming increasingly more obvious that employees are motivated by more than just compensation. Here are 4 ways to retain top talent in today’s competitive marketplace:

  1. Appreciation. It goes without saying. Everyone likes to be recognized and respected for their contributions. Not only does it make your employees feel valued when you show appreciation, its scientifically proven to make YOU feel better to give thanks, too. Can someone say win-win? Think about giving thanks the next time you get that report on time or the next time you get a prompt email from an employee after hours or on the weekend.
  2. Growth Opportunities. Growth can mean different things to different employees, so it is important as a leader to seek out what is important to each individual employee. There is financial growth, career growth, professional growth, personal growth, and so on. Employees will always perform at their best when the environment is conducive to growth. Recent research by DecisionWise found that only 43% of employees felt that their employers provided attractive opportunities for development.  If you want to retain your employees, take an honest look into what you and your company are offering your employees from a growth standpoint. Do it today!
  3. Flexibility and work/life balance. With technology changing the way we do business every single day, we can almost work from anywhere at any time. Employees want to know they work for a company that can be flexible with when they are required to be in the office. Giving employees flexibility shows that you trust and respect them which in turn will increase engagement and productivity. When employees feel trusted and valued, their investment in the work, and in the company, grows.
  4. Purpose. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” It is human nature to want to do work we consider meaningful. There is no professional satisfaction in being “just a number”. You can help employees feel a sense of purpose in the workplace many ways. One way to highlight purpose is to connect what the employee does to the impact their work has on the company. How is their work impacting the department? The organization? The end consumer? You can also create purpose in the workplace by creating opportunities for employees to collaborate. It is common for employees to want to share ideas or help a new employee by showing them the ropes. These are easy things you can do to make someone feel a sense of purpose.

If you have an important position you need to fill or would like to explore any of the above topics further, please send an email to info@omadasearch.com.

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