How to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Holiday Season

How to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Holiday Season

For many, the holiday season is synonymous with spending time with friends and family, taking some time off work, and slowing down as the year comes to an end. You want your employees to truly enjoy the holidays, but you also want them to stay motivated on the days they’re in the office during the holiday season. So how do you ensure that your team ends the year on a high note and approaches the new year with the same momentum? Read on for a few ways you can keep your employees motivated during the holiday season.

Encourage Your Employees to take PTO

Your employees have worked hard all year long and likely have some PTO (paid time off) saved up, but you want your employees to be as productive and motivated as possible through the holiday season. So, do you encourage them to power through the end of the year? Or do you suggest they use their PTO and take some time off for the holidays? Well, according to an article by Forbes, your employees taking some time off can ultimately increase their productivity. In fact, “Employees who take vacation time are more productive and higher performing than those who don’t. The alternative might actually be reducing your productivity, hurting performance, and burning out your most talented team members.” When the holidays come around, support your employees if they want to take some time off and you’ll be happy you did; your employees will come back to the office feeling refreshed and motivated for the remainder of the holiday season.

Get Your Team Together for Some Holiday Fun

Getting the team together for some holiday fun can encourage your employees to interface outside of work, take a break from the typical work week, and/or just get their minds off of work for a little while. All of these things can contribute to a more positive atmosphere in the office during the holiday season. In fact, according to an article by Balance Careers, “A holiday celebration builds positive morale which results in increased employee motivation. High morale and motivation contribute to team building and productivity.” So, mark your calendar for a team event that isn’t work-related (ex. have a potluck, team dinner or a happy hour) to have some fun, boost morale and ultimately help your team stay motivated this holiday season! Just one caveat: be sure to pay attention to each individual team member’s holiday preferences before asking them to participate in any holiday-focused events.

Show Gratitude for Your Employees

A major theme throughout the holiday season is that of gratitude, so what better time to show your employees that you appreciate them? One study by Glassdoor found that “81% of employees surveyed felt motivated to work harder when their boss showed appreciation.” So, if you want your employees to feel valued and ultimately continue to work hard during the holiday season, applaud them and thank them for the efforts they make. Pro tip: show appreciation and gratitude for your employees all year long and they’ll be more likely to stay with your company. Read more on retaining your best employees here

Get Your Employees Excited for the New Year

What goals do you have for you and your team as you approach the new year? What are you looking forward to and what are you planning to improve? Are you sharing your vision for the future with your employees? If not, that may be something to consider. According to an article by Fortune, if your employees don’t have “a clear understanding of a company’s vision, mission and culture, [they’ll] get lost in the dark with little direction or motivation. The New Year is the perfect time to refocus everyone around the company’s mission to ensure that employees are excited and inspired by their work.” Your team will be just as excited as you to hear your plans for improvement and success moving forward. So, share your vision for the year ahead with your team and they’ll be much more excited, focused and motivated while you all push through the holiday season and into the new year.

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