How to Answer “What Is Your Biggest Weakness?”

You’ve finally got your foot in the door and an interview for your dream job. Your resume is perfect, and the phone screening went well—all that’s left is to impress the hiring manager in person. As an eager candidate, you’re already doing your research and preparing for one of the most commonly asked (and quite tough to answer) questions: “What is your greatest weakness?”

There are many ways to answer that will help you make a compelling case for yourself as a candidate. Here are some great techniques when preparing to respond to this question.

Your weakness should not prevent you from succeeding in the role.

When you are being asked what your greatest weakness is, it is a way to gauge the following criteria:

  • To determine if you have a good level of self-awareness
  • Your ability to open up and be honest—especially about your shortcomings
  • Whether you seek to learn and improve, or if you choose to allow your weaknesses to hold you back

This question will ultimately be a chance for you to demonstrate how you’ve embraced a weakness as motivation to learn a new skill or grow professionally. Remember, everyone has a weakness, so no one expects you to be perfect.

However, tread cautiously. It may not be ideal to focus on a weakness that could put you out of the running for the position. If you talk about a weakness that is a required skill set or duty of the position, it might be difficult to make a compelling argument for why you would be the best candidate.

In short, make the answer you give the hiring manager a relevant one, but also showcase your growth and strengths by explaining how you conquered this shortfall.

Be honest and choose a real weakness

First, you always want to answer the questions that are being asked. So if someone asks, “what is your biggest weakness?” you should answer honestly and be genuine. Do not choose to deflect the topic or refuse to answer the question.

Answers that provide examples, demonstrate a self-starter attitude and showcase that you recognize opportunities for growth are appreciated by many employers. This kind of personality trait is an added plus for any team and what employers are searching for.

Think about if there was something someone would tell you that you need to get better at, what would that be?

  • Asking for help?
  • Being more direct?
  • Being more patient?

Leverage this question to pinpoint a relevant weakness.

Be balanced and respectful in your attitude.

Employers want to see your confidence and positive attitude so when describing your weaknesses and how you worked to overcome them don’t sell yourself short! But also be mindful of how you come across, show respect, be personable, and leave your ego at the door.

In essence, it pays to be balanced in your approach to this question. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability, genuineness, and being true to yourself. Know when you showcase your strengths, and you should pass this portion of your interview with flying colors.

It is important to consider working with a reputable recruitment firm that can help you with your job search and prepare you for your interview. Omada Search is a boutique headhunting firm dedicated to helping connect talented candidates with exceptional organizations. If you would like to discuss your needs as a job seeker, you can contact us at any time at (980) 225-6767 or check us out online.

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